The 2022 YBC Fivepin National Championships saw a new format employed aimed at resolving many of the scheduling issues we’ve had in recent years as well as bringing the Nationals closer to the LTAD concept of “meaningful competition”. While the new format had its supporters, it also had more than a few who were not admirers. The Board of Directors listened to the community and decided to gather a committee together to look at options for implementation. The Committee members have all been involved in the YBC Fivepin Nationals on multiple instances over the years, and in various roles…from Host Committee, to Host Proprietor, to Host Coordinator, Coach, etc. Intimately versed in the event, we wanted them to put their minds together to help get us on a track that can be used on an ongoing basis…resolving issues of the past, while applying the general wishes of the community that we’ve been hearing. The Format Committee met through fall and winter and submitted a proposal to the Bowl Canada Delegates’ Council (made up of Provincial representatives) and with their approval went before the Bowl Canada Board of Directors. We’re happy to say the Format has been adopted and will be utilized this year at the 2023 Nationals in Regina.